About The Slemp Foundation
The Slemp Foundation is a private foundation established through the will of the late Campbell Bascom Slemp, U.S. Congressman from Virginia.
In his will, Congressman Slemp expressed his desire that the assets of the Foundation be used for the following purposes:
- Improve the health, education and welfare of Lee and Wise County Virginia residents or their descendants.
- Care, maintain and develop the Janie Slemp Newman Museum (now the Southwest Virginia Museum).
- Care and maintain the Slemp Cemetery and the Seminary Methodist Church in Lee County, Virginia

Campbell Bascom Slemp
The Slemp Foundation has awarded over $35 million in scholarships, pledges and charitable grants since its inception in 1946. Many college students as well as schools, libraries, arts programs, local hospitals, the John Fox Jr. Museum and the Southwest Virginia Museum have benefited. With the growth of this Foundation, virtually every aspect of life in Lee and Wise Counties has been influenced.
“The C. Bascom Slemp Foundation believes in the human potential of southwest Virginia, and has demonstrated this faith through its generous investment in social institutions of the area.
Precious to those who believe higher education to be a transformational social good is the Foundation’s support of the University of Virginia’s College at Wise. Over the years, I have observed the changes wrought by the Foundation’s vigorous and visionary support of the College. Through the advancement of the College, one can catch a gratifying glimpse of a future in which the people of southwest Virginia are engaged in meaningful work, the economy is productive, and Appalachian culture, flourishing.”
—John T. Casteen III, Former President of
The University of Virginia